Sunday, July 29, 2007

I had the privilege of driving to the hotel this morning before church and picking up our visiting minister, an experienced gentleman named C.R. Free. He'll be speaking at church for Heritage Night.

We're dedicating a Sunday Night service to our older members, some of whom have been going to our church for over 50 years. The music will be geared more towards the older demographic; they rarely get to hear the songs they love anymore. We've been slowly getting more progressive with our music selection and volume, so hopefully they'll enjoy tonight's music.

Brother Free, however, is clearly more than an experienced elder who has come to preach Heritage Night at The Pentecostals. He is a sharp-minded man of God who immediately revealed his intellect on the drive to the church. His eyes bear a sparkle of wisdom when he speaks--a far off look of understanding and wisdom comes across his face when he begins talking about God.

I've only spent a few minutes thus far with Bro. Free, but I already respect him greatly, and not only because of the respect his age and experience commands. I'm looking forward to tonight.

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